How to Pack
The following is a list of recommendations for the easiest ways to pack your daughter and have a smooth move-in on Opening Day.
Clothes and other items needed for a stay at Nyoda are found on the Packing List.
For an easy pack up by counselors, please include a checked-off packing list in your daughter’s trunk.
How to Pack
Clothing should be packed in one of the following:
Medium or large suitcase (not Extra large)
Plastic container with a lid (not extra large or super sized)
A camper also needs:
Shoe box sized container for her shelf (shelf is 12x30)
For an easy arrival:
All the following items are unpacked immediately upon arrival. It is easier to have access to them if they are packed in a large duffel or large trash bag. The duffel can be stored until packing to go home. If you use a trash bag, we will replace it when packing to go home.
Mattress pad
1 set of sheets
Stuffed animal
1 Laundry bag
1 set of towels
1 Beach towel
2 Bathing suits
Bathing caps
Raincoat with hood/poncho
The shower caddy can be carried separately. Toothbrush, toothpaste, cup and face wash can be brought in the shower caddy, but those items have a home on the shelf above the sinks.
Trunk/Footlocker/Suitcase/Duffel Bag
For a three or six week stay a trunk or footlocker is convenient. For a shorter stay a suitcase is large enough. Duffel bags can be used for extra sheets and towels. As a storage for clothes a large duffel bag is difficult to keep organized and the girls cannot find what they are looking for easily.
An ideal size for a trunk is 32”L x 18”W x 16”D or smaller. Keep the suitcase to a medium or large size, not extra large.
Where to shop: (a much larger selection of colors and styles online)
Target Walmart Wayfair The Container Store
Bed Bath and Beyond Amazon
Shower Caddy
There is a shelf above the sinks in each bathroom for a camper’s cup, toothbrush, toothpaste, pump soap or bar soap in a soap container, and face wash. Shower items should be brought in a shower caddy that will drain. It should hold shampoo, conditioner, shower gel or body wash, razor, and shaving cream. It must drain from the bottom. If it has mesh sides it must be able to stand upright and drain from the bottom. Smaller is better!
Where to shop:
Amazon Walmart Bed Bath and Beyond
Target Dollar Tree Wayfair
There is hanging space for her dress/dressy outfit. Send it on a hanger. Camp "fancy" outfits are worn during specific activities, such as Team Show.
Shelf Box:
Send the shelf box packed with her personal things. A shelf box could contain:
Cards, other activities for Rest Hour and Bung Time
String for friendship bracelets
Writing materials
Flashlight with extra batteries
Craft supplies
Hair brush/comb
Hair accessories
Orange and Gray nail polish
Submit this form, or contact Peggy Daly or Molly Jenkins.
Peggy: (973) 697-4382
Molly: (410) 666-9549